Picking out an outfit should never be as difficult as studying. Isn't it crazy how you start to miss school after a long summer vacation, but when school starts you're ready for summer vacation all over again? Summer is a long enough break to revamp yourself mentally, spiritually, and emotionally along with your style. Of course it is expected that everyone during the first week will be in their new outfits. But why use the first week as an excuse to dress up? This school year the both of us challenged each other to dress confidently throughout the entire school year. Not only do we feel obligated because we are both fashion students, but we also noticed that we feel more beautiful and confident when we put effort into our outfits.

Christal's Look: 1.) Black halter top from H &M, 2.) Black shorts from Charlotte Russe, 3.) Long black button up, & 4.) New balances.

Christina's Style: 1.) Oversized jean button up from Thrift Store, 2.) Black Pants from Thrift Store, 3.) Black hat from Charlotte Russe, & 4.) Black New Balances from Urban Outfitters.

Christal & Christina

These set of photos has to be our favorite taken by Ashton and Dillon! If you live in the LA area definitely contact him!
Follow Ashton on Instagram & Twitter: @Thewavemathews, Tumblr:
Follow Dillon on Instagram: @Mellowarthello, Twitter: @Ayedillonamir, Tumblr:


  1. couldn't agree with you more on summer being an amazing period of feeling reinvigorated and rejuvenated

  2. great outfits ladies. love the casual vibes with the sneakers.

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